Make a Match and Save More Lives!
Beautiful litters of kittens and puppies, often with their devoted moms. Happy and curious dogs and cats who just need a second chance. Among the many who we are able to take in and care for, with your help, on their way to find their match with loving adopters. And your donation for GIVING TUESDAY will have twice the impact and save more lives!
Giving Tuesday is December 1st. With the generosity of matching donors, we are excited to make it a special day for the Milo animals. Now through December 1st, the first $8,000 in donations we receive will be MATCHED – any donation you make to the Milo Foundation will be DOUBLED!
That means more moms and babies will find safety. More happy and curious dogs and cats will get to explore the world, in loving homes.
If you work for a company that matches donations, you could potentially TRIPLE your impact. Please contact to learn more.
Our wonderful matching donors make this effort possible. The first $2,500 will be matched by our dear friend Marianne Doar, and the remaining $5,500 will be matched by two additional kind supporters. Thank you so much to Marianne and our other donors for their generosity!
Make a donation for GIVING TUESDAY and your gift will be matched – to make more happy lives!